Start Your Home Renovation Project
Renovating and restoring historic homes and buildings for modern living is one of the hallmarks of Chinburg. Talk to us about your renovation project today.
Our project managers are experienced in renovating historic buildings and homes, energy efficiency retrofitting and much more. As home builders in New Hampshire and Southern Maine, Chinburg Properties has built custom homes that represent a broad range of lifestyles and budgets. From “just right” sized affordable homes to unique mill properties, historic renovations and custom dream homes, Chinburg Properties will guide you through the many choices that will transform your dream into a reality.
Chinburg Properties has extensive experience in the renovation and expansion of existing homes. Portfolio projects range from extensive kitchen remodels to additions of attached or detached spaces, including apartments, home-based offices, recreation rooms and multiple bay garages.
Chinburg Properties has specific expertise in the renovation and restoration of historic homes. The Seacoast region is rich in elegant, historic properties with fine architectural details and solid structures. Many properties need some extra attention in order to be modernized or modified to accommodate today’s living needs. Our general contracting services maintain the historic integrity of these homes while successfully giving tired or outdated exteriors and interiors new life.
The rehabilitation of former industrial buildings provides an opportunity for towns and cities to revitalize their economies and pay tribute to the rich character of their communities. Chinburg Properties combines expertise in historic preservation with state-of-the-art general contracting services, materials and techniques.
Whether converting a former mill building or historic schoolhouse, the prospect of maintaining the property’s historic integrity while providing quality, dynamic living space or workspace is as intriguing as the stories that once filled these spaces.
Chinburg Properties has developed a particular set of skills in the redevelopment of abandoned and underutilized mill properties. Particular passion for these historic structures is shared by Eric Chinburg and the dedicated Mill construction team. Many of these renovated buildings have won statewide and national awards both for their aesthetic beauty as well as their historic preservation. They provide great places to live and work and add to the economic vitality of all the communities where they are located.
Renovating and restoring historic homes and buildings for modern living is one of the hallmarks of Chinburg. Talk to us about your renovation project today.
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